Metal contents in biological samples of Rocuant island, Concepcion bay, Chile
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heavy metals
Rocuant Island


The presence of heavy metals in organisms tissues from the Rocuant Island, Concepcion Bay, is analyzed. The study was carried out on the bivalve Tagelus dombeii (“navajuela”), Mulinia edulis (“taquilla”), the seaweeds Gracilaria chilensis (“pelillo”) and Rhodymenia sp (“rodymenia”) and the fish Stromateus stellatus (“pampanito “). The metals analyzed were Cd, Fe, Hg, Pb and Zn and there were no previous records in the locality. The sampling for benthic organisms was carried out by “hooka” diving, while fish were caught using a fishing nets. In general, metals concentrations are comparable to values reported in the literature for the same species in other areas of central Chilean coast. This suggests they reflect a natural condition and the levels of Cd, Hg and Pb in the bivalve mollusks are under the acceptance levels for products to export. It should be noticed that Pb content in these organisms is under the analytical detection limits in all organisms, as well as Cd in the fish S. stellatus and the seaweeds G. chilensis. The Fe content in Rhodymenia sp. shows the highest absolute value of the whole study.

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