The total content of Hg was evaluated in surface sediments at three localities in the coastal area of the province of El Oro, Ecuador. In each locality nine area of sampling were established, in which the total solids (ST), humidity (H), organic matter (MO) and Hg was analyzed. The Hg concentration was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, by hydride generation with atomization in a quartz cell. The concentrations of Hg showed significant differences between localities, with the largest concentration in the Huayla estuary (range: 6,57-7,61 mg kg-1) and the lowest in Bajo Alto (range: 3,46-4,83 mg kg-1). The levels of Hg in sediments suggest a clear anthropic incorporation in the three localities of the coastal profile of the province of El Oro, which represent a risk to the biota and human health.

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Copyright (c) 2016 Alfonso Marín, Víctor Hugo Gonzalez, Byron Lapo, Estefanía Molina, Mairin Lemus